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Commentary on recent art,

Conversations with artists,

Informal exhibition reviews,

& Selected publications


“As the Air Moves Back From You” 

A review of D. Chase Angier’s three-part installation and dance performance. read here

“Boundary-Work: A Question of Depth” Interpreting Ceramics 12 

An introduction to a special issue on collaborative and disciplinary practices in ceramics. read here

“Cadiz: The Sculptural Topography of Anne Currier’s Work” 

A short essay on the complex geometry of Currier’s three-dimensional surfaces.  read here

“Jun Kaneko” 

An oral history for the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.  read here

“Summoning Eternal Life” 

A focused essay on one work by Chinese sculptor Li Hongwei.  read here

“A View of the Field by Five Emerging Artists” Interpreting Ceramics 9 

An opening welcome to a special issue on emerging practices in the ceramic field.  read here

“Visualizing Mortality: Robert Arneson’s Chemo Portraits” Interpreting Ceramics 8 

A conference paper on the fragmented figure on contemporary ceramics.  read here

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